MCEC 1st Quarter Report 2024




We humbly extend our sincere appreciation and greetings to all our partners, donors, friends and well-wishers in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.

We wish to inform you that the beneficiaries, staff, board of governors and all key stakeholders of MCEC are supporting the smooth running of the project, and I appreciate their efforts towards these key achievements. Below is the project status report for the period 1st January– 31st March 2024.


This report highlights MCEC activities implemented within the first quarter of 2024, towards the encouragement of local men, women and children through spiritual, vocational, and physical supports.


Bible study sessions for both the men and women are held every Friday and Saturday, respectively. These sessions are open to all interested members of the community.

Women listening to Pastor Prosy during bible study.

 Pastor Richard beating the drum during the men’s bible study.


MCEC is committed to supporting the education of adults and children in the local community.

MCEC started adult education classes in reading, writing and simple basic mathematics for people who missed formal education. Classes run every Tuesday and Thursday afternoon.

Teacher Doreen facilitating an adult class at MCEC.

MCEC partnered with Waitambogwe primary public school where we agreed to provide two teacher assistants and scholastic materials to the students. The teacher assistants will assist in primary two which has over 150 students handled by only two teachers.

Excited pupils displaying notebooks and pencils donated by MCEC.

MCEC Centre Director handing over scholastic materials to the head teacher of Waitambogwe primary school.

Vocational/Technical Skills

MCEC conducted a graduation ceremony for the second tailoring class. Girls were awarded with certificates and start up capital in form of tailoring equipment.

Joyful graduates of tailoring class 2 dressed smartly in graduation gowns.

The guest of honor hands over a certificate and tailoring equipment to one of the graduates.

Trainings have been held at the centre to empower the community and provide instruction of different topics, such as financial discipline.

Local counselor teaches men about income and expenditures.

We came to know that Naigaga Rehema, one of the beneficiaries of MCEC, had lost her tailoring business due to theft. With the help of our partners, a new sewing machine and materials were donated to replace the stolen ones.

Rehemah a stands in her shop with a new smile and hope after new capital was donated to her.


MCEC was blessed with two Fresian cows on February 4th, named David and Patience. The cows provide high quality milk that is sold to the community and interested members of MCEC.

New milking cows, David and Patience.

The laying chickens are growing well and eggs will be coming shortly. Eggs obtained from the Kuroiler breed are being taken to the hatchery to get more chicks, which we donate to women as startup capital.

Godfrey with women after giving them Kuroiler breed chicks.

We have been able to get a good number of matooke from our garden. Some were eaten at the centre, some donated and others sold to the local traders.

A local trader picking some of the bananas that were sold to her from the MCEC garden.

Easter Party

The party was held on March 30th to celebrate the resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ. A large number of people turned up from different religions in the community.

Hygiene and Health

The Water And Sanitation Hygiene (WASH) program for local primary schools started in the first quarter. It commenced with emphasis on hand washing at Baitambogwe Primary School after gaining permission from the headteacher. Judith the center coordinator spearheaded the start of the program.

Judith, centre coordinator, demonstrates the recommended way of washing hands.

Judith demonstrates the recommended handwashing technique to students.

Students practice recommended handwashing technique.

Students practice proper handwashing technique.

Community Visits

We have done several community visits, praying in the homes of the visited individuals, carrying out counseling, and monitoring the progress of items given to centre beneficiaries.

Godfrey at a home visit advising a lady on how to care for her matooke crop.

Human Resources

MCEC has been blessed with 5 new staff members:

  • Namuyiga Judith – centre coordinator
  • Naigaga Deziranta and Mirembe Doreen – teaching assistants
  • Sembatya Julius – farm worker
  • Okello Lawrence – security guard

From left to right (Lawrence, Julius, Doreen, Deziranta, Judith)

However, we were saddened to let go of our tailoring teacher (Amina) as the tailoring project finished and her contract expired.


We were blessed with a number of visitors to MCEC in the first quarter, notably the team from the US (Gary and Peter), the Mayuge District Health Officer, and the Mayuge District water team, among many others.


  1. Theft of our matooke: Some people from the community have come to our garden and stolen food. We still haven’t caught anyone.
  2. The feed given to the cows is expensive (grains, different nutritious grasses) and this affects our savings from the milk sales.
  3. Lack of land that we can use for demonstration gardens to help the community practice better farming practices.
  4. Unreliable government extension workers: They are supposed to help teach our people better farming practices, but despite promising to come, they end up not coming.


We are so thankful to the Almighty God for the gift of life, our dear partners/donors who have given us their resources, advice and time to see us achieve the set goals of MCEC. The board members have always stood strong for MCEC. We pray and promise that we are going to keep the candle burning in the second quarter.

Yours faithfully,

Godfrey Nkutu

Director Mayuge Christian Education Centre

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