MCEC 2nd Quarter Report 2022
P.O BOX 26745




On behalf of the board of governors, management, and the beneficiaries of Mayuge Christian Education Centre I wish to share with you the project status report for the period 1st April – 30th June 2022.

Firstly, I wish to inform you that the staff, Board of governors, and all the key stakeholders are playing their roles towards the smooth running of the institution, I appreciate their efforts towards these achievements.


This narrative report gives a highlight of the key activities implemented within the period of three months, the income realized, and expenditures made towards the support of the adolescent young girls and women in making them self-reliant


Bible study was held every Saturday under the guidance of the Pastors, here every girl attends the session to learn the word of God and some girls come with Muslim friends from the Muslim community. We also conducted bible lessons in the tailoring classes twice a week (Monday and Thursday). This is well illustrated in the figure below:

Fig1; Pastor Samuel talking to the girls at the Bible study. Seated behind Samuel is Aida on left and Eunice in a red dress.

Vocational/Technical Skills

All the instructors have used the available time to impart practical and moral skills to the young girls and women with the aim of making them self-reliant and morally upright citizens of this Country. Most of the girls have been committed to the training during the course of this period and have acquired additional professional life skills. A number of training activities have happened but above all, we have embraced training with production with a view to making them self-reliant, especially in garment design and construction commonly known as tailoring, and by the end of June, our girls each were able to make a dress for a young girl ensuring that, each took the measurements and drafting by herself.


Fig2; Girls working on their assignment in the tailoring class (Zaujah, Sarah and Fatina)

Fig3; Teacher Steven making an illustration on the whiteboard for the tailoring class.

Fig4; Betty working on her assignment of making a dress for a young girl.

Fig5; Three young girls model their tailor made dresses.

The English and mathematics class is going on well and girls are progressing well in simple mathematics and writing skills i.e., they can solve simple addition and multiplication problems. However, reading and writing English is still a big challenge to the girls and more efforts will be required in imparting skills to our girls in the next quarter.


We have opened a new demonstration garden for matooke (banana). We thank God for meeting us with the district and sub-county agricultural officers who promised to work with us in all possible ways. They promised us banana seedlings (suckers) at half price and 100 seedlings of cocoa at free cost.

Fig6; Fred helping to clear the plot for banana project

Fig 7; The holes for plating bananas have been dug in consideration of the standard measurements

Fig8; Godfrey trying to explain to the girls the basics to consider in banana planting

We extend our appreciation to the tailoring girls for the zeal they are showing to learn a better way of growing matooke (banana), they decided to come to the centre for 2 days to help carry manure to the garden at a free cost. It was a big sign of commitment seeing girls like Brenda 8 months pregnant, Shakira with a 1-month baby, and Olivia all trying to give their best “it was working, carrying, sweating, and making jokes no boss of the day even the staff working”

Fig 9 &10 Girls carrying on their heads basins of manure to the banana garden

Monitoring and support visits:

We hosted the government agricultural officer heading the sub-county agricultural team as well as an executive at the district agricultural council Mr. Joseph.


Fig11. (L-R) Griffin Godfrey’s brother, Joseph the agricultural officer, and Godfrey.

Computer Skill/ Book Reading:

Some of our girls have learned how to use a computer mostly those in secondary schools. They have most of the basics in Microsoft word and Excel. However, it’s still a challenge for those in primary schools because they hardly know how to read.

Book reading is still going on every Saturday afternoon before the Bible study and God helped us with another volunteering staff.  She supports girls in reading and pronunciations.


We are so great full to the US team, GMP, who bought us a 40 feet container (trailer) that is going to work as our tailoring class and there will be no moving sawing machine outside back and forth. The place where the containers are going to sit has been well set, just waiting to get a crane truck to help carry them to the set stands.

Fig 12; A crane picking up the container in the ICD to be driven to MCEC Centre

Easter Party

In the second quarter of the year 2022, we had an Easter celebration where we hosted over 300 people young and old, men and women. The girls invited some of their loved ones and we had a good time of prayer, singing, dancing, and drama together. We ate ice cream, food (rice and meat), and soda, making the day memorable for many people. We got new members to join our weekly Bible study class.

Fig13, Children patiently waiting in line to get food for the Easter party celebration 2022.

Fig 14 Children sitting down having lunch at the Easter party celebration 2022.

Fig.15 Tailoring class girls dancing in a presentation at the Easter party celebration 2022.

Fig 16; Parents of MCEC girls in a line to get served lunch at the Easter party 2022.

Fig 17; Parents lined up to get ice cream.

Community Visiting

We have been conducting home visits in the community, visiting some of our girls who had challenges, praying with them, counseling, and encouraging them. This has helped us to bond with many and win trust in the community not from our members only, but even the other folks.

Fig 18&19: Pastor Sam standing in a picture with some girls after prayers at a home visit.



In conclusion, even though there had been some financial constraints, healthy challenges, and food shortages for some of our girls, we are still great full to God for all the provisions we get through our partners/donors.  We still pray that God enables us to go through the 3rd and 4th quarters successfully.

Once again, we send our sincere gratitude to all people who sacrifice their resources (finances, time, prayers, etc.) for MCEC. God bless you all.

Yours Sincerely,

Godfrey Nkutu

Director MCEC.

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