MCEC 3rd Quarter Report 2022





On behalf of the board of governors, management, and the beneficiaries of Mayuge Christian Education Centre I wish to share with you the project status report for the period 1st July – 30th September 2022.

Firstly, I wish to inform you that the staff, Board of governors and all the key stakeholders are playing their roles towards the smooth running of MCEC, I appreciate their efforts towards these achievements.


This report gives a highlight of the key activities implemented within the period of three months, towards the support of the adolescent young girls and women in making them self-reliant and God fearing.


Bible study was held every Saturday under the guidance of the Pastors and volunteers, girls attends the session to learn the word of God and many girls from different walks of life (Moslems, African traditional beliefs) have come to believe in Christ as their Lord and personal savior and some have been Baptized.

The children listen to Prosy in their Saturday bible class.

Elizabeth one of the MCEC girl standing with Pastor Samuel giving remarks to girls in presence of visitors from USA

Elizabeth one of the MCEC girl standing with Pastor Samuel giving remarks to girls in presence of visitors from USA

Zauja standing giving her personal testimony

Zauja standing giving her personal testimony to other girls on Saturday in the new shelter

Pastor Samuel and Sumaya druming in the praise and worship session

The group photo of girls before Baptism. Pastor Samuel (in white), Jake Stoddard (the white man), Steven the tailoring teacher on extreme right.

Fatina a former Moslem girl getting baptized by Pastor Samuel and Jake

Vocational/Technical Skills

We thank Almighty God for helping us get some new tailoring machines. Through the donation we got from VBS children ministry of Durham Evangelical Church. We bought 10 new manual sewing machines, 1 electrical straight sewing machine and one electric over lock machine and 10 new siting wooden stools.

The Electric Over lock sewing machine

The Electric straight sewing machine

The straight manual sewing marchine.

The US visitors pose for a photo in front of the tailoring class. Jake (in a red shirt), Garry putting on a cap and Leonard standing outside.

Boys posing in shorts made by MCEC girls in the tailoring class

Girls showing off the dresses, skirts, shirts and shorts made by them in the tailoring class


We have planted our new demonstration garden of Matooke (plantains) inter cropped with beans and soon we shall add the cocoa trees. But our crops are looking great.

Sally from USA Planting a banana crop using a local hand hoe at MCEC demonstration Garden

David from USA planting a banana crop at MCEC garden

The banana crop and beans at MCEC demonstration garden, their growth in three months

There has been great work done at our front yard girls have cleared away all the unwanted plants and brought new grass which makes the compound look beautiful.

Girls at MCEC planting grass in the front yard

The front yard at MCEC the grass is growing and covering the soils well


We are so great full to our partners Global ministry partners and friends for the financial support and advice we get, we managed to stand our 2 trailers on our plot of land  put a roof on top that created a big shelter where girls sit comfortably with no worry of rain or sunshine.

Construction work Of roofing the containers in progress

Godfrey in excitement after seeing the roofing work done

We have bought a plastic water tanker 10,000 liter capacity, gutters and pipes to help us harvest rain water from our roof in the rain season and this will be used during the dry seasons

On our crops and consumption.

Godfrey standing by the water tank above him are the connection pipes for water from the roof

Hygiene and Relief.

 We have supported our financially vulnerable girls who attends bible lessons at MCEC with hygienically approved sanitary towels (pads).

We have supported some of our girls who had life threatening sickness with some finances to visit better healthy facilities which are not in the district and do tests as required by the doctor

i.e.  One of our girl has been diagnosed with an enlarged spleen and now she taking the proper medicines.

Brenda one of the tailoring girls was supported by MCEC to go and do a TV scan in Jinja district, she was worried about her pregnancy think that she had passed the 9 months and planning to take local herbs to induce labor. But after the scan she was told to wait for some more few weeks and this helped to save her from abortion now she has a baby girl happy and healthy.

The girls have always enjoyed to share some of the fruits from our compound

Girls sharing avocado fruits harvested from the Centre

Community Visiting

We have been conducting home visits in the community visiting some of our girls who had challenges pray with them, consul and encourage them this has helped us to bond with many and wining trust in the community not from our members only but even the other folks. We have been energized by the positive comments on our girls from the community they are showing changes in their lives and behaviors.



  1. We have a problem of no toilet, we have been and still share a pit latrine with Sarah (Godfrey’s sister). At first the number of girls was small and come only on Saturday but now the number has grown and come every day accept Sunday. Sarah’s pit latrine is old and getting full soon.


The Board of MCEC is so grateful to the partners (GMP), friends, well-wishers, and the staff for all your contributions material and non-material to the support of the project and helping our girls in Mayuge. God bless you.

Prepared by

Godfrey Nkutu

CEO Mayuge Christian Education Centre

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