Impact Stories


In September 2021 GMP board members Karen and Gary visited the Mayuge Christian Education Centre. During the visit five members of the Bible study were baptized. Here one of the girls is baptized by Pastor Sam and MCEC board member Charles Nabba.


Godfrey Learning to Dance

At one of the MCEC Bible studies some of the girls tried to teach MCEC President Godfrey Nkutu how to dance. This would be a traditional cultural dance normally performed by women.


Guest speaker at Bible study January 2022

Guest speaker for January 2022, at the Bible study was Eunice, a mother, grandmother, counselor, preacher, and a retired primary teacher with over 40 years of experience.  She taught MCEC girls how to keep their value before God. She gave an example of Joseph in the bible how he suffered after rejecting his master’s wife but in the end he was victorious.


Nadia talking about the Bible study

In September 2021 when GMP board members Karen and Gary visited The MCEC Bible study the girls were invited to stand up and tell everyone what the Bible study meant to them. Pastor Irene Nangobi is translating. That day several girls stood up to tell what the Bible study meant to them.


Singing at the Bible Study

Singing is a big part of Ugandan culture. Here Pastor Irene Nangobi is leading the girls in a praise song. Notice MCEC President Godfrey Nkutu trying to get the young girl to come out from behind and dance with him. The girls of the Bible study love Godfrey and call him Uncle.


Steven the Tailoring Instructor Demonstrating Technique

Steven is the tailoring instructor for the MCEC tailoring class. 15 girls were chosen for the first class to learn tailoring for 6 months. Steven is a graduate from Kyambogo University with a diploma in Fashion and Design. In this video Steven is demonstrating how he would like the girls to practice sewing, in this case a half circle.


Tailoring Students Practicing Their Technique

Girls from MCEC’s first tailoring class practice their sewing technique by sewing straight lines and circles on pieces of paper. Tailoring is a valuable skill that allows a person to get a job or even start their own business. MCEC’s first tailoring class is made up of 15 girls from the Bible study who will attend class 4 days a week for 6 months


Thank You for Feminine Hygiene Pads

Feminine hygiene products are expensive for people that live in the villages. Most girls go without and this often leads to them dropping out of school. In Jan 2021 A women’s Bible study in Durham NH committed to providing pads to the girls of the MCEC Bible study for the entire year. In 2022 pads became a part of GMP’s budget for MCEC.


 Thank You from MCEC Member

MCEC Bible study member Grace thanks supporters in the US for their donations to MCEC. Pastor Sam is translating for Grace. In the background you can see where the Bible study meets. This is MCEC President Godfrey’s family land in Mayuge District Uganda. It is a 3 acre plot where Godfrey’s sister currently lives and has allowed MCEC to run its programs.


Welcoming Karen and Gary

Pastor Sam translates for this Bible study member as she welcomes GMP board members Karen and Gary. During this visit in September 2021 Karen and Gary were able to bring to Uganda five donated laptops that enable MCEC to run a computer class for these girls. The girls had never seen a laptop computer and now they are learning to use them. The computer class takes place every Saturday before the Bible study.


Reading Class

When the tailoring program started MCEC realized that some girls were struggling because they could not read. The solution was a reading class. Aida Namulondo, a retired primary teacher, has volunteered to teach reading to these girls. Class starts in their native language of Lusoga.

Other Impact Stories

MCEC 2nd Quarter Report 2022

MAYUGE CHRISTIAN EDUCATION CENTRE P.O BOX 26745 KAMPALA UGANDA   THE SUMMARISED QUARTERLY REPORT (APRIL-JUNE 2022) Introduction                                   On behalf of the board of governors, management, and the beneficiaries of Mayuge Christian Education...

MCEC 1st Quarterly Report

MAYUGE CHRISTIAN EDUCATION CENTRE P.O BOX 26745 KAMPALA UGANDA TEL: +256784851657   THE SUMARISED QUATERY REPORT (JANUARY-MARCH 2022) Our dear partners, friends and well-wishers we bring you warm greetings from MCEC family and thank God who has kept you and your...